
I am an enthusiastic correspondent and enjoy any and every opportunity that I have to communicate with people regarding my work. If you have questions concerning upcoming releases or events you can click onto the "News & Upcoming Events" link for such information. If you have other questions regarding my novel, about Nancy Storace and/or anything related to the subject feel free to contact me HERE.

Autographed print copies of So Faithful a Heart: When Love Won't Die, Special Edition are available for $20.00 plus $3.50 shipping and handling. Please send all requests for signed, print copies along with your shipping address to You may make your payment through PayPal  (type in to send directly to my bank via PayPal), or by money order. Once I've received your payment, I will order your copy, sign it, and ship it to you within two weeks.

Product Details

  • Paperback: 530 pages
  • Publisher: Alla Breve Books via CreateSpace 
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1466326301
  • ISBN-13: 978-1466326309
  • Product Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 1.3 inches