Friday, July 22, 2011

So Faithful A Heart: When Love Won't Die

What do you do when you wake up one morning to find love’s fondest hopes and dreams have been shattered in a single night? Where do you run, and to whom?

So Faithful A Heart: When Love Won’t Die is the continuing saga of the woman who Mozart vowed would own his heart forever, and the story of the man who tries to steal her heart from him. Set against the background of one of the most turbulent times in Western Europe, When Love Won’t Die gives you a window into the lives of some of the greatest and most colorful men and women in history!

So Faithful A Heart: When Love Won’t Die, the exciting and passionate sequel to So Faithful A Heart: The Love Story of Nancy Storace & Wolfgang Mozart, by author, K. Lynette Erwin.

Available in soft cover and digital formats in October, 2011.

The love story continues…